If you are currently completing your business degree online, you may have wondered about professional organizations and associations for online business degrees that you should join. There are a plethora of such organizations and associations available, and joining them can provide you with many networking and career development opportunities. Below you will find a list of several professional business organizations and associations that you should consider joining.
The International Association of Business Communicators is a professional organization designed to help business people advance their careers. The organization has more than 14,000 members in more than 70 countries. These individuals hold jobs in career fields such as public relations, corporate communications, public affairs, government relations, editing, graphic design, teaching, human resources, investor relations, community relations, writing, and marketing communication.
Society for Human Resource Management
The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) is the largest human resources membership organization that places primacy on human resource management subjects and endeavors. SHRM has more than 275,000 members in more than 160 countries, and the Society works to assist the needs of professionals within the HR sector.
Phi Beta Lambda
Phi Beta Lambda is the postsecondary division of Future Business Leaders of America. This organization is a non-profit 501 association that places primacy on preparing students for rewarding careers in business and other fields that pertain to business. Some of the goals of FBLA include strengthening the confidence of students in both themselves and the work they produce, generating more interest in the American business enterprise, and fostering patriotism.
Business Professionals of America
Business Professionals of America (BPA) is an organization that offers valuable resources for students who are pursuing careers in fields such as business management, information technology, and office administration. BPA currently has 43,000 members in more than 2,3000 chapters within 23 states. As a co-curricular institution, BPA supports both information technology and business educators by providing co-curricular exercises that are predicated on the national standards.
American Management Association
The American Management Association is an organization that provides members with professional development opportunities. The membership comes with a variety of benefits, including preferred pricing on all AMA seminars as well as current business and management information to facilitate ongoing professional development while also promoting excellence within the management sector.
The Academy of International Business (AIB)
The Academy of International Business (AIB) is a leading organization of specialists and scholars within the international business sector. Currently, the association has 2938 members in 72 countries. The organization has a variety of different members, including scholars, researchers, NGO representatives, and consultants. The organization welcomes members from industrialized countries, newly industrialized countries, and developing countries.
Other Considerations
The organizations and associations listed above are just a few of many that individuals obtaining their online degree in business can consider joining. In addition to considering which organizations and associations to join, individuals pursuing a career in the business sector should engage in other career-building activities such as the completion of an internship and participation in career development conferences.
If you are currently obtaining your business degree online and want to engage in other endeavors to help facilitate career development, you should know that joining professional business organizations and associations can help you accomplish this objective. Now that you have a basic understanding of some of the professional organizations and associations for online business degrees that are available, you can begin the process of deciding which one would be most appropriate for you to join.
Related Resource: Advantages of an Online Business Degree