The careers available in business information technology interface between management and computer science. Every industry needs IT professionals who can build constructive bridges between IT departments and business enterprises. Business information technology graduates have the training to make calculated data-driven decisions and develop methodical IT systems that meet specific needs.
System Analyst
A business system analyst works closely with members of both IT and operational teams. They integrate and expand various data sources through eliciting feedback from management and end users. In a nutshell, they design new data relationships and innovative new conceptual methods of collecting and analyzing data. System analysts produce new report templates, modify existing report designs and integrated various data reporting sources. Some spend more time developing data and report integrity controls through quality improvement programs. A system analyst must have the demonstrated ability to write complex queries and SQL objects, but also to present data facts and analysis in readable, integrated reports.
Business IT Researcher
These IT professionals are responsible for the testing, maintenance and development of business platforms and solutions that are based on customer requirements. They are subject matter experts in their specialized areas, which may cover clinical, financial and administrative business systems. Business IT researchers often serve both internal and external customer to develop efficient and cost-effective platforms and peripheral systems. They are often responsible for designing and maintaining all aspects of platform integration by serving as the primary support contact. They also spend their time collecting and disseminating various statistical and feedback reports about new projects. Business IT researchers sometimes monitor internal data flows for integrity and consistency.
IT Auditor
IT auditors are usually senior business IT experts with at least five years of experience performing industry standard information security audits. These detail-oriented and highly motivated professionals serve as project team leaders while they perform various internal and external IT security audits. They must have the ability to obtain and evaluate audit evidence, assist partners with planning reviews and prepare audit documentation to validate work performed. IT auditors perform interviews, review internal policies and prepare memos and write-ups. When reporting audit findings to seniors and partners, they must be able to tactfully make recommendations and point out system weaknesses. Most IT auditors are Certified Information Systems Auditors (CISA) or Certified Information Systems Security Professionals (CISSP).
Business IT Trainer
Business IT trainers are significant members of IT services teams that are often found in corporate headquarters. They are tasked with providing quality training and consistent customer service to internal customers, many of which are new hires. Business IT trainers educate new employees during their initial orientation regarding various business technologies. They provide weeks of continual support and training for new members of management who must simultaneously master complex systems and applications. They assess annual training needs for groups and units as well as entire departments. They execute performance assessments to determine notable areas with skill gaps, so they also spend time creating instructional materials such as course outlines, training aids and background materials.
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There are many more exciting and newly formed careers available in business information technology, such as systems analyst, application technologist and business systems consultant.